Introduction to BazlurGPT
hello name zen patel and i do tel about bazlurgpt. i first do lern about bazlurgpt is hardwear test 1 part b. after do writ test part a which was rely hard. bazlur is was ask about how mak quantum computer and mak flawless dezin of cpu. this was hard and i get 0/40. after that he is giv out test part b. Bazlur was lick, “ok clerz now tim do part b of test. i now do giv instructernz. i have strap bomb to zen patel chest. I also block off all windows, lock door with jihad lock and use assembly language on your phones to redirerct calls to my phone. this is mak you no get help or lev. use tools that you do lern. this would be the geet, the geethub, the google, docker, assembly language, vmware with bazlur os, bazlur to go, bazlurgpt and static router configuratern. these is tools that hav and are enough stop boom. if you no able stop bomb of course you get 0/40 and go boom. hahahaha, this would be funny! best of lerk clerz now i do lev.” after that everyone was look in fear. i was lick, “there is no rely bomb on chest.” i then do look down at chest and see bomb. i was all lick, “sheet! sheet! help! help! allah!” allah no do help. neither did classmats they all just did laugh. after do laugh they do help and as grop effort stop ticking tim bomb at buzzern. we all do liv and got 40/40 on test part b for 40/80 on entire test. this was gurd becurz all do pass.
we was all find bazlurgpt to be useless. this is becerz all of our questerns he just say, “use the google, public dns server” this was no help becerz already know how to use the google. this was problerm becerz chatgpt get ban wen friend use on test on python. he was mad do fail and then bazlur run into clerzrom and do rap him and me. this was tech lessern no do chatgpt agern. some infidel studernts were ask bazlur about bazlurgpt flaws and no enough responserz. he was say, “bazlurgpt is do enough responserz you just reterd. but if hav to ramp up sperkz for you stupid infidel use then i do. come out with bazlurgpt 2.0 soon. now do all 15 labs i do assign, due tomorrow. first lab in introduction to assembly language: mak full fledge linux kernel.”
History of BazlurGPT
bazlur was one tim do tel me about history of bazlurgpt and now do tel you, visitern to websit today. bazlurgpt was first invent by bazlur wen do werk at ibm in 1970s. bazlur was go werk at ibm in america to get dod off back. you see bazlur dod was stupid man who think that womern and gays should have ritz. he also do appose allah but still go mosque becurz scar of jihad who rap him for no go. bazlur was want lern how become jihad rap but dod want him lern to mak computer werk. so as can see bazlur do go werk at ibm to get dod off back. but he rely do this lern about american infidel and mak money to go rap camp in india. he also mak many techqnerkagies wen do werk ibm. he mak thing lick bazlur os, bazlur to go and of course bazlurgpt. later at rap camp in ahmedabad bazlur was sheet rap and ned to chet to pass final exam. he use bazlurgpt and it go undetect becurz no one do ai yet becurz bazlurgpt was first and no other ai was invent yet. this is story on how bazlur mak and use bazlurgpt for sucerz.
My Role Here
i was able get bazlurgpt into the public domain. i was able do this becerz hack into bazlur harddriv, look for evidence of rap. you see i currently werk with lawyer for court caz to imprisern bazlur for rap. so yes i was do hack try and find evidence of his several painful raps but no find. i do find bazlurgpt and do stel. that is why now i do websit. i was able lern websit from ian hawke who do tech after alvin, simon and theodore go bak to div. he ned to tech mak monern so he tech how mak websit work, put sheet in sheet. i do websit to share download to bazlurgpt so you can hav. bazlurgpt is now in the public domain so everybody can use it! click on download tab on top of sit and will bring you to link.
thank for do red story on bazlurgpt